
Responsible for this website

Thomas Osthege
Sonnenkoppel 72
D-23701 Eutin
Fon: +49.2292.9599730
Fax: +49.2292.9599733
Email: Please contact me via the contact page!
VAT ID: DE 135051894

Important hint

Parts of this Website exist for historic reasons only, because there is no more business activity in these parts. These parts are marked “historic” in the menu.

If you have questions or in case of problems please contact me via the contact page!

Editing and design

Thomas Osthege

WordPress was used as the development tool.

I recommend using a browser for display. Because when you’re not using a browser, you’re reading straight HTML, and I think that’s admirably cool.

I am not liable for the content or for the editorial correctness.

Copyright © · All rights reserved · tomsidee · Thomas Osthege

The adoption of texts or parts of this site is only permitted with my express permission.

References to this site may be used on other sites provided the source is acknowledged.

The use of this website is exclusively subject to German law. I reserve the right to make changes to the website at any time and without notice. This includes removing or moving pages or their content.

Brand names

All brand names mentioned on this website are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for information only. Mention does not imply use or claim of the respective trademark.

None of my products are affiliated with or owned by any of the companies mentioned.

In case of domain disputes or competition law or similar problems, I urge you to contact me immediately and directly in order to avoid unnecessary litigation and costs.

In any case, I will reject the cost note of a legal warning without prior contact with me as unfounded in the sense of the duty to mitigate damages.


This website contains links to other sites on the Internet, for which the following applies without exception: I have no influence on the design and content of the sites referred to.

If you become aware of any legal violations on this or a linked website, please inform me. I will apply appropriate changes immediately.

In any case, I will reject the cost note of a legal warning without prior contact with me as unfounded in the sense of the duty to mitigate damages.


I only store personal data that is made available to me by customers to process orders. I will only use this data in accordance with data protection regulations. I never pass on such data to third parties. This also and especially applies to email addresses.

This website may use cookies to identify returning users and to show special information when necessary. These cookies are only stored on the visitor’s computer and don’t contain any personal data.

Some of my programs may use an automatic update function in which program and operating system related data can be transmitted. It does not contain any personal data.

In cases of unauthorized use of my software, I reserve the right to research to identify the user and to take further legal action.